We've been just a tad slack about our blogging of late...(ie. we're really late)...and we'll be filling in some of those gaps in the weeks to come - especially as concerns the four fabulous salons that we ran in the Toronto area during the last week of our road trip. But for now, we just wanted to say a BIG BIG thank you to Pat and Sue, who kept the home fires burning while we were away - it was great to see them the other evening, and catch up with all the news from the hood. We also want to express our deepest gratitude to all those who participated in the road-show experience - whether as much appreciated ports of call along the way, or as armchair fellow-travelers following our adventures on the blog. It was great journeying with ALL of you!
Now that we are back, and Carmella is winterized and all parked up until the next road-trip adventure beckons, we have turned our attention to getting the 2012/2013 Montreal salon season organized. We are putting on 6 salons between now and next May...Our first takes place on Thursday, December 6th, and the rest of the schedule is posted both here on the blog, and also on our website. Details of these upcoming salons will be posted soon...For now, suffice to say that 17th century renegade philosopher Baruch Spinoza will be a thread weaving in and out of the entire series, and that by working his ideas backwards and forwards between different epochs and a diverse range of philosophers, our hope is that we will all emerge with a much better sense of both this highly compelling thinker, and those key concepts with which philosophers have grappled through the ages. As always, the application that these concepts have to our own lives and times is central to how we intend to work the various strands of Spinoza's thinking into our salon programme.
Also in the pipeline...Another 6 week round of the Philosophy Club kicks off in early 2013, and - inspired by our road-trip experience - we'll be continuing to take our salons out of our own living room and into yours. You'll find more information about both of these ventures on our website. We welcome your input regarding all wine women and philosophy developments, so please get in touch with us via the website if you want to share your thoughts and join the conversation.