The causeway at Fort Francis, which borders Minnesota, provides excellent views of lakeside cottage country living. Summer was in the air, boats were gliding across the shimmering water, and the fish were a'jumpin. Just past Emo, we headed north up route 71. After the twisting turning mountain roads we had been on since hitting Algonquin, this dead-straight strip of flat highway was a joy to a novice RVer's eyes. You could almost hear our tough little Ruby sigh with relief too...We coasted through the very scenic and tastefully touristy Nestor Falls and about half an hour later, drew into Sioux Narrows Provincial Park campground nestled on Lake of the Woods.
It was stinking hot, but an amazing breeze was coming off the lake. We unhitched Carmella, set up the bug tent, waited for the onslaught...No mosquitos!!! Down to the sandy beach for a swim, then a hike up to the lookout to watch the sun setting...No mosquitos!!! Dinner cooked outdoors on the portable propane stove and then down to the dock with a thermos of coffee to look at the stars...No mosquitos!!! is good.
It was raining on Friday morning as we packed up and hitched up and headed for Kenora. It continued to rain as we unhitched and unpacked and set ourselves up at The Willows RV park and campground just an hour or so later. Yet more rain as we drew into the 'capital' of the Lake of the Woods area and started to explore this busy little town with its lakeside boardwalk and steady traffic of pleasure crafts and houseboats and incoming bi-planes.
By mid-afternoon, the sun had returned. Rona contemplated a haircut. Linnet wanted to join that bear in the Eagle's Nest Lounge. In the end, we settled on a nice cold beer on the terrace at Haps Bar and Grill - enjoying the chance to catch up with the blog after so many days off the grid whilst feasting on excellent Lake of the Woods walleye.
Whilst in Kenora we picked up some stick-on letters and that evening, back at the campground, we transformed Carmella's rear end into a (subtle) traveling billboard for the roadshow. And would you believe it?...We are just shy of having driven 3000 kilometers and we are STILL in Ontario! Tomorrow we strike out on the 17 for the last time and cross the border into Manitoba.