It was a beautiful day on Sunday when Philosophy Club members who had participated in our "Rebel with a Cause" series reconvened after a month's hiatus to celebrate the next venture for wine women and philosophy - the wwp roadshow.
We kicked the day off with a tour of the roadshow caravan (Carmella) and truck (Ruby). |
Our roadshow byline is 'celebrating salon culture across the country'. |
We popped a cork to celebrate the moment. |
Sonia is the next one to travel...she found the champagne cork! |
We then had a toast. At wine women and philosophy we believe that 'adventure is worthwhile'...As everything we do with wwp is an adventure - from weekend getaways at the Nurtury to Montreal-based salon evenings, from Philosophy Summer Camp for Women to making music with the wwp band and choir - it seemed fitting to raise our glasses to that spirit within all of us that takes chances, opens doors, and turns everyday encounters into extraordinary occasions. |
Needless to say - and in true wine women and philosophy fashion - the wine and the food, the great conversation and the enlivening philosophy - flowed throughout the day. |
A heartfelt thank you
to our Philosophy Club members for a memorable day and a fabulous send off. We look forward
to keeping you in touch with our trip through our weekly blog entries. |