...And did we mention slow dining and plenty of table talk too? Taking a creative approach to the realm of philosophy, our slow philosophy away day offered the perfect opportunity to conduct a communal experiment in Embodied Philosophy and bodily learning. To this end, we used our bodily reactions to a variety of time-related stimuli to explore our relationship to time, its flow, and the pace that each of us feels comfortable with as we navigate the world around us. By the end of the day our group conclusion on 'slow' was that finding the right pace for the right situation - an appropriate tempo giusto! - is probably more important than simply slowing down. This was a playful and fun day, and we thank our participants for their wonderful contributions and inspiring insights. Long live the philosopher queens! May we all meet again for another away day like this one.
To get a fuller sense of what happened on this day why not visit the away day page of our website.