…your chance to try something different this summer – a day out with other women that is easy-paced, that has lots of variety, and that makes philosophy accessible, fun and epicurean. Cost: $50 for members and $60 for non-members (Price includes lunch and all materials).
Away Day 1: Making Sense of the SensesSaturday 27th June 2009, 10am - 4pm
Delving into our sense of sight, sound, touch, taste and smell, we explore how some key philosophical ideas link to sensory awareness. While engaging in three practical activities – walking round the lake, looking for the punctum in photographs, and sharing a delicious lunch together – we ask how the senses heighten our engagement with the world around us. We also consider how our senses shape the way each of us interacts with people and places.
Away Day 2: Slow PhilosophySaturday September 12th, 2009, 10am - 4pm
Over the course of this day we consider what it means to 'slow down' in a world that seems to be moving ever faster. Taking inspiration from 'the slow food movement,' we ground our discussion in practical activities such as walking, journaling and wine pairing. We examine what it takes to move at a pace that fits with our own needs, but goes against the common flow.